Giving Back

I reserve time each week to help others reach their goals. I want my knowledge and experience to aid projects that improve our world. How can I help? I offer advice, mentoring, or collaborative troubleshooting – whatever helps you improve pro bono. If this is you or someone you know, reach out.


In 2024, I’ve reflected more on where I’ve been and where I’d like to go. It’s easy to go with the flow and let life take you where it will. Though I have been intentional in many aspects of my life and career, I realized there were areas where I wasn’t. Being further along in my career, I am reminded that time is a precious resource that should be invested wisely.

One of my reflections was that while I am generous with my time and quick to help others, I was not consistently setting time aside to do so. That has changed. I now dedicate time each week to helping others and asking for nothing in return. I have benefitted from others helping me over the years and want to pay it forward.


This year I joined the Colorado community of EforAll as a mentor in their Accelerator Program. I have been able to be a sounding board and guide to a pair of young entrepreneurs. Though most of my career has been in tech, my experience running a small business and working in a non-profit has translated well to my range as a mentor. It’s been a pleasure to help the next generation of business owners.